Past Projects
- Art: The Nat DOMINO Fanzine as "Dommy Nique" (February)
- Game Jam Hosting: DOMINO CLUB Bodies in Motion Jam (April)
- Game Collaboration: No Joy in Mudville as "Benchwarmer Beelzebub" (April - DOMINO CLUB Bodies in Motion Jam)
- Game Jam Hosting: DOMINO CLUB Tongues Jam (October)
- Game: Anonymous Submission to the DOMINO CLUB Tongues Jam (October)
- Art: Trophy Award Art (October - DOMINO CLUB Tongues Jam)
- Game Jam Hosting: DOMINO CLUB Dream Gallery Jam (April)
- Game: Anonymous Submission to the DOMINO CLUB Dream Gallery Jam (April)
- Game Jam Hosting: DOMINO CLUB Humors & Humus Jam (November)
- Game: Anonymous Submission to the DOMINO CLUB Humors & Humus Jam (November)
- Podcast Guest: Kritiqal Care Podcast Ep. 73 (December)
- Game Jam Hosting: DOMINO CLUB Subterranean Jam (March)
- Game Collaboration: Stairdown as "palm fronds" (March - DOMINO CLUB Subterranean Jam)
- Writing: Submission to the DOMINO CLUB Yearbook Zine (July)
- Game Jam Hosting: DOMINO CLUB Metal & Flesh Jam (October)
- Game: Anonymous Submission to the DOMINO CLUB Metal & Flesh Jam (October)
- Writing: Random Encounters in Quarantine (February - List Jam)
- Workshop: "Learn to Make Games with the Bitsy Engine" (March - St. Louis Public Library)
- Art: THE HANGED MAN (April - The Alleyman's Tarot)
- Game Jam Hosting: DOMINO CLUB Domino Jam (August)
- Game: Anonymous Submission to the DOMINO CLUB Domino Jam (August)
- Game Jam Hosting: Bipsi Launch Jam (August)
- Game Jam Hosting: DOMINO CLUB Tri Jam (October)
- Game: Anonymous Submission to the DOMINO CLUB Tri Jam (October)
- Game Jam Hosting: Bitsy Secret Santa 2021 (December)
- Game: I, for One, Welcome our New Lady Knight Overlords (January - Global Game Jam)
- Game Collaboration: A Day at Feral Vector (April)
- Workshop: "Learn to Make Games with the Bitsy Engine" (August - St. Louis Public Library)
- Game: LCOS (October - Doodle Jam)
- Game Jam Hosting: Bitsy Birthday Bash 3: Carbs & Comfort Food (October)
- Game Jam Hosting: Bitsy Secret Santa 2020 (December)
- Talk: "Twine, Bitsy, & Advocating for Small Games" (January - STL Gamedev Co-Op MicroTalks)
- Game: Jesse's Home (January - Global Game Jam)
- Game: Bitsy Blocks (January - Minecraft Jam)
- Game: OUT (February - F*ck Amazon Jam) *currently unavaliable*
- Game: Excerpts from ~The Honey Month~ (June)
- Game Collaboration: Bitsy Mystery Dungeon 2 (September) *currently unavailable*
- Exhibition: Space Bubble Cat in "THE BITSY ZONE" (September - Pixelpop Festival)
- Talk: "Bitsy: An 8x8 Community" (September - Pixelpop Festival)
- Game Jam Hosting: Bitsy Birthday Bash 2: Houses & Leaves (October)
- Game: (long + chatty) Another Haul! #PlannerGirl (December)
- Exhibition: Space Bubble Cat in "Le Jardin Des Délices" (December - Playtopia)
- Game Jam Hosting: Bitsy Secret Santa 2019 (December)
- Game: Hyke (December - Bitsy Secret Santa)
- Game: Don't Touch That Dial! (January - Global Game Jam)
- Writing: Notecard Mini-festos (February - Manifesto Jam)
- Game: Pink Mansion (March)
- Game Collaboration: Bitsy Mystery Dungeon (May)
- Game: Randy G's Wild n' Wacky Beach Adventure (June - Monthly Bitsy Jam)
- Game: I Would Buy My Friends All Castles (June - Pastel Jam)
- Game: GIRLS OWN THE VOID (June - Butterscotch Shenanijam)
- Game Collaboration: The Bitsy Jim Jam (June)
- Game: Space Bubble Cat (July)
- Game: !=2B (August - Cessation of Existence Jam) *currently unavaliable*
- Game: The House on the Hill (August - Gothic Horror Jam)
- Exhibition: Space Bubble Cat in "Pixels X Paper" (August - Babycastles)
- Game: A Lazy Wednesday Morning at the Cat Cafe (August - Pixels X Paper Closing Jam)
- Game: Bunny Makes a Mixtape!!! (September - Monthly Bitsy Jam)
- Game: sunshower (September - Itsy Bitsy Rain Jam)
- Game: Suicide? (September - Monthly Bitsy Jam)
- Game Jam Hosting: Twitsybot Jam (October)
- Game Collaboration: Spook Tower (October)
- Game Jam Hosting: Bitsy Secret Santa 2018 (December)
- Game: Airwaves (January 2017 - Global Game Jam)
- Game Collaboration: RAVE.WAV (January 2017 - Global Game Jam)
- Game: Cherry: A High School Misadventure (August 2017)
- Music: Cherry - Original Soundtrack (August 2017)
- Writing + Art: PLHC's Brain Stew Magazine (2017-2018)
- Game: Thurifer (January 2016 - Global Game Jam)
- Game Collaboration: Mission IMP-Possible (January 2016 - Global Game Jam)